Kevin J. McNamara
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Kevin J. McNamara is an associate scholar of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia, and a former contributing editor for its quarterly journal, Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs. McNamara earned a B.A. in journalism and a M.A. in international politics from Temple University, where he studied under the noted military historian, Russell F. Weigley. He also earned a certificate in national security law from the School of Law at the University of Virginia. McNamara has been published in Commentary, Defense News, Society, and The World & I, as well as in newspapers such as the Chicago Tribune, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Detroit News, Newsday, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Seattle Times. He was awarded fellowships and grants by the Earhart and Tawani foundations to acquire and translate the first-hand accounts of the Czecho-Slovak Legion that form the basis of Dreams of a Great Small Nation.
DREAMS OF A GREAT SMALL NATION: The Mutinous Army that Threatened a Revolution, Destroyed an Empire, Founded a Republic, and Remade the Map of Europe (Public Affairs, 2016)