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Norman Podhoretz

Norman Podhoretz

Norman Podhoretz was editor-in-chief of Commentary for 35 years. He remains associated with Commentary as editor-at-large and is also a senior fellow of the Hudson Institute. He has published hundreds of articles on a wide range of subjects in most major magazines and newspapers. He has written several books, ranging in subjects from literary criticism to autobiography to analyses of American foreign policy, including DOINGS AND UNDOINGS, MAKING IT, and BREAKING RANKS.

EX-FRIENDS: Falling Out with Allen Ginsberg, Lionel and Diana Trilling, Lillian Hellman, Hannah Arendt and Norman Mailer (The Free Press, 1999)

MAKING IT: 50th Anniversary Edition (NYRB Classics, 2017)

MY LOVE AFFAIR WITH AMERICA: The Cautionary Tale of a Cheerful Conservative (The Free Press, 2000)

THE NORMAN PODHORETZ READER: A Selection of His Writings from the 1950s Through the 1990s (The Free Press, 2004)

THE PROPHETS: Who They Were, What They Are (The Free Press, 2002)

WHY ARE JEWS LIBERALS? (Doubleday, 2009)

WORLD WAR IV: The Long Struggle Against Islamofascism (Doubleday, 2007)

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