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The Day Traders

The Untold Story of the Extreme Investors and How They've Changed Wall Street Forever


Gregory J. Millman (View Bio)
Hardcover: Times Books , 1999.

The Day Traders

"Sharp ...Millman's perspective is a welcome one." — Thomas Goetz, The Industry Standard

"Much fun." — Mark Henricks, American Way

"Millman's thoughtful yet explosive expedition into the day traders' world is an excellent place to start looking for the answers.... Millman, a veteran financial journalist, tells their story in a muscular color-splashed style that perfectly conveys the video-game rhythms of their world. From his vivid opening portrait of Harvey Houtkin, the entrepreneur who helped create this new world, to his shocking and poignant account of the training given to aspiring amateur traders, his story rockets along. Yet as the scenery races by he wisely provides context.... Millman makes this arcane world accessible without glorifying it, and he is never less than honest about the high risk of ruin that confronts new traders.... [A]n absorbing introduction to the rowdy people who have just shoved their way into the stock market's long-running party." — Diana B. Henriques, The New York Times Book Review

"Millman's book nicely illuminates some of day trading's less hyped but more significant aspects." — Steve Bodow, Wired

"Everyone with even a minor interest in trading should read this fascinating book." — Gregory Bresiger, Traders Magazine

"An inside look at the new industry of day trading in the stock market.... He has presented a balanced report on this kind of investment action, covering the legal, political, and technological changes that hastened its arrival. While sympathetic to the role of these new financial players, underdogs in the world of stock investment, he doesn't gloss over the pitfalls scattered across the day traders' terrain.... This is not exactly a guidebook for potential day traders even though it contains valuable information, advice, and guidelines for successful involvement, because it also ruthlessly describes rip-off schemes, crooked operations, and a rising tide of concern about the risk of exploitation, not to mention the risk of failure." — Kirkus Reviews

"A comprehensive and comprehensible history and overview. ...The author delves into the history of day trading, the nature of its application, and what its future holds. We see the appeal, and from the manual of day trading Millman concludes with, we learn how to become part of the action." — Booklist

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