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Weymouth Sands


John Cowper Powys (View Bio)
Hardcover: The Overlook Press, 1999; Paperback: The Overlook Press, 1999.

Weymouth Sands

“This is one of Powys’s great novels…rich with comedy and crowd, with a sense of place solidly rendered.”—George Steiner, Sunday Times

“Written in his fullest creative tide…an ageless, timeless, human comedy.”—Anne Duchene, The Guardian

An intricate, provocative, and living example of the novel which takes people as it finds them.... The cool, calm impersonality of Weymouth Sands, and the author's all but diabolical power to peer beneath the surface, combine to make it a book of moment.”—The New York Times

“Filled with authentic characters and closely caught conversations, [Powys’s books] resemble Shakespeare in the interplay of cultured and ignorant, male and female.” —San Francisco Chronicle

“What magnificence there is in this story of the sea and the Jobber’s longing for Perdita, the girl who comes to Weymouth to act as companion to the wife of the famous clown, Jerry Cobbold!  There is no doubt that he is a writer on a grand scale."—Spectator

Weymouth Sands is one of Powys’s major works.”—Ronald Bryden, New Statesman

“A great romantic writer…Powys has been compared to Hardy, Wordsworth, Dostoevsky and Sterne, and is not ridiculous in such company.”—Jeremy Brooks, Daily Telegraph

“A truly impressive work.”—Anthony Hern, Evening Standard

“Powys at his best is the voice of grandeur at its most direct and most feeling."—Isabel Quigly, Daily Telegraph

"[Powys] can be read with an absorption which one by no means experiences every day." — The Nation

"It brings to mind the romantic ferment of the film 'Les Enfants du Paradis' or...one of the works of J.M.W. Turner." — Anthony Bailey, The Observer

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