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A brilliant parody of the Archbishop of Canterbury flap in England by David Burge a/k/a iowahawk
see also this arch comment on the media

The Orgasm Farm
by Nin Andrews

best ever comment on the punditocracy
"Something" by Hans Christian Andersen

For I will Consider Your Dog Molly by David Lehman
concerning Molly the Airedale of Ithaca, New York

The Lie, by Sir Walter Ralegh
a truly great political poem


Secretary Spencer Abraham

Elliott Abrams

Charlotte Allen

George Allen

Roberta Allen

Akhil Reed Amar

A. R. Ammons

Dick Armey

Ian Ayres

Ian Ayres and Barry Nalebuff


Jack Balkin

Jack Balkin and Reva Siegel

Michael Barone

Bruce Bartlett

Jacques Barzun

Nicholas A. Basbanes

Stephen Bates

Sandra Beasley

Gene Bedell

Michael J. Behe

Logan Beirne

Steve Bennett, and Ruth Bennett

Toni Bentley

Tom Bethell

R. Howard Bloch

Harold Bloom

Ma Bo

Philip Bobbitt

Max Boot

Wayne Booth

Boutros Boutros-Ghali

James Bovard

Denis Boyles

Craig Bradley

Shlomo Breznitz and Collins Hemingway

David Brock

David Brooks


Steven Gow Calabresi and Gary Lawson

Dale C. Carson and Wes Denham

Whitney Casey

Mona Charen

Amy Chua

Tom Clark

Commentary Magazine

Matthew Continetti

David K. C. Cooper, M.D.

Lisa Cowden

W. Michael Cox and Richard Alm

Douglas Crase

Alan Pell Crawford


Theodore Dalrymple, M.D.

J. Morton Davis

Midge Decter

Wes Denham

John Derbyshire

Michael Dirda

Thomas M. Disch

Thomas M. Disch and David Morice

Chuck Dixon and Brett R. Smith

Nicholas H. Dodman, D.V.M.

Bob Dole and Jack Kemp

Richard Driscoll

Judith Dupré


Gerald Early

Robert B. Edgerton

Melvin A. Eisenberg

Jean Bethke Elshtain

Jon Entine

Richard A. Epstein

William N. Eskridge, Jr.

William N. Eskridge, Jr. and John Ferejohn

William N. Eskridge, Jr. and Christopher R. Riano


Ward Farnsworth

Sam Fentress

Ilya I. Feoktistov

Andrew Ferguson

Henry D. Fetter

Daniel Fischel

Samuel C. Florman

Michael T. Flynn and Michael A. Ledeen

David V. Forrest, M.D.

Mariah Fredericks

David D. Friedman

Michael Fumento


Raymond Gantter

David Gelernter

Wolcott Gibbs and Thomas Vinciguerra

Newt Gingrich

Gabrielle Glaser

Mary Ann Glendon

David Gollaher

F. Gonzalez-Crussi

Michael Grabell

Martin Greenfield and Wynton Hall


Roya Hakakian

Philip Hamburger

Debra Hamel

Victor Davis Hanson

Edward Hayman and Tama Starr

Yoram Hazony

John Heath and Victor Davis Hanson

Robert J. Herbold

The Estate of Josephine Herbst

Arthur Herman

C. Scot Hicks and David V. Hicks

James Whitney Hicks, M.D.

Charles Hill

Gertrude Himmelfarb

Manuela Hoelterhoff

Jonathan D. Horn

Richard Howard

Human Rights in China


Raymond Ibrahim

Moshe Idel

Moshe Idel and Shahar Arzy

Laura Ingraham

Bob Ivry


Eric Jager

Charles Jennings and Lori Fena

Governor Bobby Jindal

KC Johnson and Stuart Taylor, Jr.

Ishmael Jones

John B. Judis and Ruy Teixeira


Donald Kagan

Donald Kagan and Frederick W. Kagan

Frederick W. Kagan

Robert Kagan

Charles Karelis

Jonathan Karl

Efraim Karsh

Leon R. Kass

Jon Keith

Roger Kimball

Melanie Kirkpatrick

Harvey Klehr

Leszek Kolakowski

Hilton Kramer

Mark Krikorian

Irving Kristol

Arthur Krystal

David Kuo

Elizabeth Kytle


Edward Lazarus

Michael A. Ledeen

Mary Lefkowitz

Mary Lefkowitz and James S. Romm

David Lehman

David Lehman and Star Black

David Lehman and Robert Pinsky

John Lehman

Paul Lettow

Allan J. Lichtman

Myron Lieberman

Stanley Lieberson

Tod Lindberg

John Lott

Adam S. Lovinger

Kenneth M. Ludmerer, M.D.


Dana Mack

Phillip Mahony

Carla T. Main

Marty Makary, M.D.

James H. Mann

Jim Manzi

Howard Markel, M.D., Ph.D.

Jason Mattera

William McGowan

Ken McLeod

Kevin J. McNamara

Allan H. Meltzer

Gregory J. Millman

Sue Mingus

Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner

Dick Morris

Micah Morrison

Mark Moyar

Marc Myers


Rev. Richard John Neuhaus

John O. Norquist

Sherwin B. Nuland

A. D. Nuttall


Kate O'Beirne

Gary Okihiro

John O'Leary and William D. Eggers

Walter Olson

Michael B. Oren

Steven Ozment


Melanie Phillips

Daniel Pipes

John Podhoretz

Norman Podhoretz

Robert Polito

Virginia Postrel

John Cowper Powys

Saikrishna Bangalore Prakash

David A. Price


Jeremy Rabkin and John Yoo

Harvey Rachlin

Paul A. Rahe

Diane Ravitch

Diane Ravitch and Michael Ravitch

Dean Reuter and John Yoo

Guy Rogers

James S. Romm

James S. Romm and Pamela Mensch

James S. Romm and Robert B. Strassler

Christine Rosen

James Rosen

Jeffrey Rosen

Jed Rubenfeld

Harriet Rubin

Sarah Ruden


Wendy Salinger

Sally L. Satel, M.D.

Michael Savage

Steve Savage

Abby W. Schachter

David Schoenbrod

Peter Schuck and James Q. Wilson

Peter Schweizer

Rochelle Schweizer

Matthew Scully

Eileen Shapiro

Daniel Shaviro

Jane Shaw and Michael Sanera

Sally Shaywitz, M.D.

Sally Shaywitz, M.D. and Jonathan Shaywitz, M.D.

Abigail Shrier

Fred Siegel

Roger L. Simon

Alan Skorski

Joseph Sobran

Christina Hoff Sommers

Christina Hoff Sommers and Sally L. Satel, M.D.

Thomas Sowell

Darren R. Spedale and William N. Eskridge, Jr.

Roy W. Spencer

Timothy Stanley

Steven D. Stark

Kenneth W. Starr

Tama Starr

Geoffrey R. Stone

Robert B. Strassler

Robert B. Strassler and Kurt A. Raaflaub

Barry Strauss

Jacob Sullum

Charles J. Sykes


Joseph Tartakovsky

Terry Teachout

Melanie Thernstrom

Stephan Thernstrom and Abigail Thernstrom

Marc A. Thiessen

The Honorable Justice Clarence Thomas

Tufts University School of Medicine

Frank M. Turner

Henry Ashby Turner, Jr.


Paco Underhill

Oanh Ngo Usadi


Mark Van Doren

Richard Vigilante

Thomas Vinciguerra

Lynne Viola


Eliot M. Wagonheim, Esq.

Jesse Walker

Gov. Scott Walker and Marc A. Thiessen

Peter J. Wallison

Barbara Dafoe Whitehead

Laurance Wieder and Robert Atwan

Fred Wilcox

Kip Wilcox and Lisa Cowden

J. Harvie Wilkinson III

James Q. Wilson

Keith Windschuttle

Ruth R. Wisse

Alan Wolfe

R. James Woolsey and Ion Mihai Pacepa


John Yoo

John Yoo and Julian Ku

Cathy Young


Yi Zheng

The Greatest Blurb of All Time
R.W. Emerson to Walt Whitman on Whitman’s self-published Leaves of Grass (1855).