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If you are a new writer seeking representation, feel free to email to describe your project and yourself. Please read and follow the advice on submissions in the Agency FAQ. U.S. Mail or other hard copy delivery is still a fine way to send material. Just remember that we do not accept checks to pay for postage for the return of any materials, and we will only send you a rejection slip or return your materials to you if you have sent us a self-addressed stamped (or delivery service prepaid) envelope large enough to accommodate all the material you sent. If you hear nothing from us, you may assume that we are not interested. If you wish to contact anyone at the agency, the email format is the person's first name plus this domain name.

Mailing Address:
Mailing Address: Writers' Representatives, LLC
116 W. 14th St., 11th Fl.
New York, NY 10011-7305
phone: 212-620-0023
fax: 212-620-0023